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GMAC™ Business Writing Assessment: GMAT AWA is Back! Boost Your GMAT BWA Score with the Best GMAT Coaching in Dubai

The GMAT Business Writing Assessment (BWA) has been reintroduced by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) as a separate, optional component of the GMAT. This 30-minute proctored test evaluates candidates’ ability to analyze and critique arguments, addressing concerns about the impact of AI tools like ChatGPT on application integrity. With top business schools like Harvard and MIT Sloan requiring the BWA, it’s crucial for MBA applicants to prepare effectively. Discover how the best GMAT prep in Dubai can help you excel in this crucial assessment.

Are you gearing up for your MBA application process? With the recent changes in the GMAT exam, it’s essential to stay updated and prepared. The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) has reintroduced a critical component to the GMAT—the Business Writing Assessment (BWA), earlier known as the GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA). This return marks a significant shift in how business schools assess applicants, and it’s crucial for candidates to understand how this can impact their applications.

At GuideMe, the leading GMAT tutoring center in Dubai, we’re here to guide you through these changes and help you excel. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what the GMAT BWA is, why it’s back, who needs to take it, and how you can prepare for it with the best GMAT classes in Dubai.

What is the GMAC Business Writing Assessment (BWA)?

The Business Writing Assessment (BWA) is a newly reintroduced, 30-minute proctored test that evaluates a candidate’s ability to analyze and critique an argument. The test is designed to assess your written communication skills, which are crucial for success in business school and the corporate world. Unlike the previous GMAT structure where the AWA was mandatory, the BWA is now an independent module that candidates can opt to take.


Key Details About the BWA:

  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Format: Online, proctored

  • Content: Analyze the reasoning behind an argument and write a critique

  • Cost: $30 USD, with an additional $8 fee for last-minute scheduling or rescheduling

  • Scoring: Free score sending to schools


Why Top Business Schools Require the BWA

With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, the integrity of written application components has been questioned. Business schools such as Harvard Business School (HBS) and MIT Sloan have led the charge in reintroducing a robust, proctored writing assessment to ensure that applicants’ writing abilities are authentic and unaffected by AI assistance.

Harvard Business School now requires the BWA for candidates who are invited to interview, particularly those who have taken the GMAT Focus, which doesn’t include the AWA. As Stacey Koprince from Manhattan Prep says, "So view it this way: "Don't worry about it now. If you're invited to interview, then YAY, you were invited to interview!! 😎"

This requirement is likely to expand as more schools recognize the importance of assessing applicants’ real-time writing skills.


Assessment Format: What to Expect in the BWA

The Business Writing Assessment (BWA) is a focused, 30-minute online test where you’ll be required to analyze the reasoning behind a given argument and craft a well-structured critique. This assessment evaluates your ability to assess the line of reasoning and the use of evidence within the argument. The topics you’ll encounter are drawn from both business-related and general interest areas, so you won’t need any specific prior knowledge to succeed.


Scoring and Results: How Your BWA is Evaluated

Your performance on the BWA is scored on a standardized rubric, with results ranging from 0 to 6, assessed in one-point increments. You can expect to receive your score within 3-5 days after completing the test. The BWA score can then be sent to participating schools at no additional cost. If you feel your score doesn’t reflect your abilities, there’s an option to request a rescore for a fee, giving you a chance to ensure your best work is presented.


How to Prepare for the GMAT AWA with the Best GMAT Coaching in Dubai

Preparation is key to excelling in the GMAT BWA, and this is where our expertise at GuideMe comes into play. We offer specialized coaching tailored to the unique demands of the GMAT and the BWA. Here’s how we can help:

  1. Targeted Writing Practice: Our curriculum includes intensive practice sessions that focus on developing the analytical and writing skills necessary to excel in the BWA. You’ll learn how to structure your critique, develop clear arguments, and write under time constraints.

  2. Expert Guidance: Our experienced instructors provide personalized feedback on your writing, helping you to refine your skills and improve your score. With their in-depth knowledge of the GMAT, you’ll receive the insights you need to tackle the BWA confidently.

  3. Simulated Exams: To give you a real feel of the test environment, we conduct simulated BWA exams. This helps you manage time effectively and reduce anxiety on the actual test day.

  4. Comprehensive Resources: We provide access to a wealth of study materials, including past prompts, model essays, and critical thinking exercises, ensuring you are well-prepared for any topic you might encounter.


Benefits of Taking the BWA Before MBA Applications

Taking the BWA before applying to top business schools offers several strategic advantages. Not only does it give you the opportunity to retake the test if necessary, but it also allows you to present a complete application with evidence of your strong writing skills. This can be a decisive factor in your application, especially at competitive institutions like HBS and MIT Sloan.


Why Choose GuideMe for GMAT Prep in Dubai?

When it comes to GMAT preparation, location matters. At GuideMe, we pride ourselves on being the top choice for students aiming for excellence. Here’s why:

  • Proven Track Record: Our students consistently achieve top scores on the GMAT, with many gaining admission to prestigious business schools around the world.

  • Tailored Coaching: We understand that every student is unique, which is why we offer personalized coaching plans to meet your specific needs and goals.

  • Flexible Scheduling: With options for online and in-person classes, we accommodate your busy schedule while ensuring you receive the best possible preparation.


Why is AWA back after GMAT Focus had just discarded it?

bb founder of says, "I think this is an ironic turn of events for the poor GMAT Focus.

AWA has been the 5th wheel on the GMAT for years. Most programs have not cared about it. None published average AWA scores and so my theory is that it was an easy target to cut in order to shorten the GMAT and make it more attractive….

But then AI and ChatGPT happened. That has suddenly caught schools off guard and there is not much they can do when they get essays. So now they are requiring the essays once again and clearly AWA is a lot more important. Now if you have a low score and stellar essays, your essays will look suspect…. so do actually take some effort and time to prepare to make sure you’re writing is actually impactful and meaningful."


Why Harvard and MIT Require the BWA: Insights from Top Business Schools

Harvard mentions this on their website.


–Do I need to submit a separate writing assessment if I took the GMAT Focus?

Writing is an essential component of the MBA program. Therefore, to be admitted to HBS all students must have an official writing assessment. You can satisfy this with a valid GRE, GMAT (10th Edition), or English language test score. If you only submitted the GMAT Focus, which lacks a writing section, HBS will contact you at the interview stage about taking the separate GMAC Business Writing Assessment (to be released July 2024).

–Is there an advantage to taking the Business Writing Assessment before it is requested?

The only advantage of taking the writing assessment before it is requested would be completing it early and giving yourself time to retake the assessment if you wanted to improve your score.

–How will the new GMAC Business Writing Assessment be evaluated, especially now that it will be submitted after the initial application?

The new writing assessment will be evaluated in the same holistic way as the rest of your application. The writing assessment allows us to directly observe your unaided writing and reasoning abilities to supplement what we learn about you from other application components. The timing of your submission does not impact how it factors into the overall admissions decision. Whether you submit the Business Writing Assessment before or after being invited to interview, your writing assessment will be reviewed along with your entire application profile. It will be considered as one data point among many that provides insight into your written communication skills.

–Is there an advantage to submitting a previous official writing assessment and the new GMAC Business Writing Assessment?

Only one official writing assessment is required, there is no need to submit multiple tests.

–Why did HBS decide to require the additional writing assessment for those who take the GMAC Focus?

Since the GMAT Focus Edition does not contain a writing section, HBS worked with GMAC (the makers of the GMAT exam) to offer an official writing assessment for students who would prefer to take the GMAT. We believe that giving candidates multiple options will allow them to select the standardized test that enables them to best display their writing skills.

–Can we take the writing assessment more than once?

Yes, you may take the GMAC Business Writing Assessment more than once. However, we will only review one writing assessment during the evaluation process.

–Will there be a minimum score requirement for the Business Writing Assessment?

There is no minimum score requirement for the Business Writing Assessment. It is one component of your whole application and will be evaluated in the context of the rest of your application.



MIT mentions on their website says,


-Do you require GMAT/GRE AWA scores?

The Admissions Committee is interested in assessing the writing abilities of anyone who is admitted to MIT Sloan’s MBA program. For anyone who submits a GMAT (Focus Edition) or is granted a test waiver, the Admissions Committee may require that you take the GMAC Business Writing Assessment. If you took the GMAT (10th Edition) or the GRE and have a valid AWA score, that will satisfy this requirement. If the Admissions Committee requires you to take the GMAT Business Writing Assessment, we will contact you after interview invitations are sent.

-Do I need to submit a separate writing assessment if I took the GMAT Focus edition or was granted a test waiver?

The Admissions Committee may require that you take the GMAC Business Writing Assessment if you submit GMAT Focus Edition or are granted a test waiver. If the Admissions Committee requires you to take the GMAT Business Writing Assessment, we will contact you after interview invitations are sent.

-How will the GMAC Business Writing Assessment be evaluated?

The score will be evaluated as one component and data set of your overall application. Our Admissions Committee will carefully consider all application materials you submit. No single component is more or less important than another.



Ready to Ace the GMAT and BWA?

Are you prepared to take your GMAT prep to the next level? Whether you’re targeting Harvard Business School or any other top MBA program, the BWA is an opportunity to showcase your writing skills. Don’t leave your GMAT preparation to chance— contact us today at GuideMe for a free consultation and discover why we’re the best GMAT coaching center in Dubai.

Final Thoughts

The reintroduction of the GMAT Business Writing Assessment is a game-changer in the MBA admissions process. By understanding its significance and preparing effectively, you can distinguish yourself in a competitive applicant pool. At GuideMe, we’re committed to helping you achieve your academic and career goals with our top-notch GMAT prep services in UAE.

Remember, the road to a top MBA program begins with the right preparation. Take the first step today!


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3 hours ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

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6 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for the detailed overview of the GMAC Business Writing Assessment. It’s really helpful to get a clear picture of what to expect. I’ve been preparing for this and found some great tips on that complement what you’ve shared here. If anyone else has additional advice or resources on tackling this assessment, I’d love to hear them. Preparing for these kinds of tests can be daunting, but sharing insights makes the process a lot easier. Thanks again for the valuable information!


Ferriss Timothy
Ferriss Timothy
Sep 05
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The reintroduction of the GMAT BWA marks a retro bowl significant change in the MBA admissions landscape.


Aug 27
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This GMAT Business Writing Assessment change is great! Reintroducing the BWA gives candidates a new chance to demonstrate their writing skills, which is fantastic geometry dash. GuideMe's extensive preparation recommendations should help with this component.


Aug 22
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The score is just one piece of the puzzle that makes up your application as a whole. geometry dash


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